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Email Marketing

Email Creative and Copy Examples

Each emails’ creative and copy was conceptualized by Cogent Creatives. All emails were created utilizing the Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Xd), and then coded into HTML format for the respective ESP (Email Service Provider).

A/B Testing Examples

Format Refresh

Weedmaps grappled with stagnating click rates in Q2 of 2022. After careful evaluation and iterative tests, Cogent Creatives boosted click rates over the brand’s benchmark of 1% by implementing format changes to the brand’s routine sends.

Savvy Segments

Weedmaps had a large repository of data on their users, however, they were underutilizing it. Prior to our involvement communications were very general, and personalization was very limited. After defining affinity based segments we were able to increase click rates by an average of 0.20% per send.

Workflow Automation

Cogent Creatives offers forth bespoke workflow creation services for our clients. Our deft team can help you create high converting welcome series, abandoned cart flows, post-purchase flows, retention series and more. Utilizing automation and workflows can passively amplify your business’ revenue with a few simple emails!

Our Involvement

Weedmaps sends an average of four product marketing sends per week. Typically, these sends included a main hero unit with one large image, headline text, and a CTA. This main unit is then followed by  a secondary unit that takes users to either the brand, products or deals page. 

When observing stagnating click rates we surmised that users faced two issues that led to decreased conversions. The first being limited opportunities to click. Within the whole email there were only two CTA’s, which meant if users were not directly enticed by the limited content within the two units they would fail to convert. Similarly, a majority of the content required users to scroll to reach it. Attention spans are very limited, and users must be presented with information as soon as the communication is opened.

Through many iterative tests, the “limited scrolling” format received an average of 0.25% more clicks than its “scroll intensive” counterpart. Consequently, this new format was implemented into all of the brand’s product marketing sends moving forward.

Our Involvement

Weedmaps has six main product categories on its product page. These categories are as follows: Vape pens, flower, edibles, flower, concentrates, and pre-rolls. Typically, any user who interacts with the site will build up affinities via favoriting and ordering. These affinities then reflect on their individual user profiles in Braze, and we can see their top three affinities. 

Prior to our involvement, Weedmaps had not segmented their communications based off of user affinities. Given the brand’s vast library of content, we saw this as an opportunity to devise personalized sends based off of complementary content for the user’s preference. 

We hypothesized that if users were able to receive communications that were tailored to their typical browsing and consumptions habits, then they would convert at a higher rate and spend more time on the site. 

In order to do iterative tests, we sent the same email to users regardless of their segmentation to ensure the test was significant and multiple variables weren’t being tested at once. Routinely, users within the segment that the content was relevant to converted at a higher rate than users who were not within the affinity segment. Going forward, Weedmaps decided to implement personalization into a majority of their sends and saw a 22% increase in retention in Q2 of 2022.